SECWCD Water Wise Garden


SECWCD Demonstration Water Wise Garden

The Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District (SECWCD) Water Wise Demonstration Garden is situated on three acres surrounding the SECWCD office near the Pueblo Municipal Airport, just east of downtown Pueblo. Visitors are welcome seven days a week.

The garden is set up to help educate visitors about the techniques of water wise gardening. While walking through the garden a visitor can pick up plant lists and information on how the different areas are irrigated. The garden also contains an experimental grass plot area with ten different types of turf grass which demonstrate the characteristics of various lawn seed mixes. Native grass turf also surround the garden, requiring much less water than traditional lawns.  The garden showcases many beautiful plants that flourish in Southeastern Colorado and the principles of xeriscaping are demonstrated throughout.  There are many native plants used in the garden as well as regionally adapted ones.

Throughout the garden, birds and native pollinators are encouraged and protected by providing shelter, food sources, and water. You may also see larger wildlife such as checkered whiptail lizards, foxes, and rabbits while strolling around the SECWCD Water Wise Demonstration Garden. 



Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District
31717 United Avenue
Pueblo, CO 81001
(719) 948-2400


Guided tours are available by appointment. Printed information including plant lists and practical gardening guides are available in the lobby during office hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM.